maanantai 26. helmikuuta 2018

More from Latex Dungeon!

We had a cool latex shoot at a dungeon with Mary! Full gallery:

Considering supporting? In March I need to once again pay for the website hosting, so there's no better time to help :)

Check out my Patreon:

Or my "How to support" page:

Thank you for your time!

tiistai 20. helmikuuta 2018

Dungeon and Latex

We had an ex tempore shoot with LatexBarbieMary at a dungeon. Also I used my old vintage manual focus lens, which makes the focus somewhat soft. Full gallery here:

If you want to support, check my Patreon page:

sunnuntai 18. helmikuuta 2018

Get updates / Follow!

Hello there! I have added some new ways to follow and to get updates from this site, you might notice the new social icons! Also I added a possibility to subscribe to email newsletter! No spam! Another "old school" method is to use RSS, you find the feed from here:

So the current ways to get updates are:










RSS feed

And the Email newsletter, which you can find on the left menu along with the Social Media icons, or if you use mobile device you can access the menu from the top right corner.

Any other outlets you might want to see updates on?

Latex Shower!

Latex Catsuit shoot in the Shower with Rautasiipi!

The full gallery is here:

To support, visit my Patreon page: